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  3. How to Add Teachers

How to Add Teachers

The second step in using Education Walkthrough is to add your teachers. You can add Teachers individually or in bulk through the Import Teachers option (you can easily do this via your web dashboard or via the mobile app).

Each teacher includes a First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. It is important to be sure the email address is correct, as it will be used to automatically send the completed observation report to the teacher. 

Another thing to note is that you can only have one teacher profile per teacher; however, once you’ve added a teacher, you can share that teacher across schools if you are on a premium account.

After an observation is complete, the teacher profile aggregates the provided information, including the time since the last observation. Each teacher profile includes a yearly count of observations, the average completion time, and a breakdown of completed observations. Completed observations can be shared via email, text, airdrop, or other standard sharing options.  

Let’s go through an example of Adding a New Teacher.

Adding a New Teacher

1. Log in to your Education Walkthrough account.

2. Navigate to the Teachers page.

3. Click Add Teacher.

4. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

5. Click Add Teacher.

After this step, you should see a pop-up that indicates you have successfully added a teacher. From here, you will be redirected to your complete list of teachers.

Adding Multiple Teachers at Once 

Entering one by one can take a long time. We’ve experienced this too! That is why we added Import Teachers with the Premium version. 

1. From the Teachers Page, click Import Teachers.

2. From here you will see three options: Copy and Paste, Import with CSV, and Import with ClassLink. You can easily import a CSV file or connect to your ClassLink account.

We can also connect you with your Clever account by request, so please reach out if you would like to connect this way to import your teachers.

In the Copy and Paste option, paste the teacher information in the following format: First Name, Last Name, Email Address. Be sure to follow this format for your teachers to be properly imported. Each new line will create a new teacher entry.  

3. Click Import.

You will see a pop-up that indicates you have successfully added teachers along with an invite summary.

Quick Tip

After you’ve added your roster of teachers, on the Teachers page you can use the search function and the accompanying filters to easily search through your list of teachers.

Next Steps

Perfect! You have completed step 2 of the Education Walkthrough setup process. You are almost ready to complete your first observation. The last step is to add your signature to the report.

Updated on December 11, 2024
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