PREMIUM FEATURE: You Can Move Users, Teachers, Walkthroughs and Templates from One School to Another
To move a user, teacher, walkthrough, or template from one school to another, you must be a District administrator. This is a premium feature, so if you are not on a premium license as a District Administrator, you won’t see this as an option.
How To Move Users, Teachers, Walkthroughs or Templates

1. Log into your account
2. From the school dropdown menu, select All schools
3. If you’re trying to move users, click Users; if teachers, click Teachers, etc.
4. Review the corresponding list of users, teachers, walkthroughs or templates; select the checkmark next to the item you want to move to a different school (eg. if teachers, select the checkbox next to the teachers you would like to move).
6. Then select Change School

Choose the school you would like to switch the teacher to, and once you’ve made your selection, click Update School.
Verifying The Item Has Been Moved
To make sure that the user, teacher, walkthrough or template has been moved to the correct school, simply select the school from the school dropdown menu.

Then head into the corresponding page (ex. If you moved a teacher, click on Teachers; from the Teachers page, you’ll see the two teachers we selected in the example above have been moved to Walker Elementary School).
Quick Tip
You can use the search function to easily locate the user, teacher, walkthrough or template; ex. If you want to make sure that a user or teacher has been added to the right school, simply navigate to that school from the school dropdown menu and click on Users or Teachers. From here, enter the user or teacher name in the search bar to locate the user or teacher and their name should populate.