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What is Education Walkthrough?

Education Walkthrough is an app used by administrators, teachers, instructional coaches, and mentors to observe and evaluate instruction as well as share feedback.

Education Walkthrough keeps reports organized by: teacher, department, class, grade, and date. Administrators can quickly see all completed reports, including easy search capability to find specific teachers. Within the teacher profile, administrators can see all the observations completed during the year, the average time per observation, and all finished reports.

Teachers can benefit from having structured reports; giving a clear understanding of the areas to improve upon. Teachers can also view the reports as a PDF. If administrators have the premium version, teachers can benefit from supplemental photos and videos of their instruction, with additional comments describing their performance.

Education Walkthrough provides a simple, user friendly experience for administrators to manage and use daily for quick, informal observations or walkthroughs.

Core Features:


Templates are completely customizable based on your school, district, or state. You can create a template with standard questions – based on the well-known Danielson Framework – or create a template from scratch. Templates consist of 5 domains or sections, with unlimited questions in each domain. The standard domains include: Lesson Delivery, Differentiation, Resources, Classroom Environment, and Assessment for Student Learning. Additionally, there are 5 options per question. These are customizable, yet the standards are: Accomplished, Proficient, Developing, Ineffective, and Not Observed. Each question also has the option of adding a comment or attaching a supplemental photo or video of up to 30 seconds.


Teachers can be added individually or through the “bulk add” option. Each teacher entry includes: First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. It is important to provide the correct email address, as a completed observation report can be automatically sent to the teacher.

After an observation is complete, the teacher profile aggregates the provided information, including the time since last observed. Each teacher profile includes a yearly count of observations, the average completion time, and a breakdown of completed observations. Completed observations can be shared via: email, text, airdrop, or other standard sharing options.  


Reports show the completed observations by date. Administrators can view reports individually and share them via email and other sharing options. There is also the ability to filter the list of reports by: reports completed from the past week, grade level or department. You can also search for a specific teacher from this view. 


To start an observation, you can navigate to the “start” page, where you will be asked to choose your Template, Teacher, Department, Grade, and enter the Class Observed. Once all the items are selected, you can click the “start” button to start the observation. You will immediately notice the teacher’s name at the top with a timer. This will show you how long the observation is taking. Next, you will complete the observation by selecting answers to each question and including comments, photos, and/or videos depending on the template you are using. Once you are satisfied with the observation, you will submit the report. You will be prompted to add general comments or submit. Once you submit, your PDF will be created.

On the next screen, you will have the option to either print or email the report. If you click print, you will be prompted to select your printer and print the report. If you select email to teacher, your email app will open automatically with the PDF attached. Edit the text or click send to share the feedback immediately. 

Next Steps

Ready to start using Education Walkthrough? Download Education Walkthrough for FREE Today.

Updated on September 3, 2020
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