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  1. Home
  2. Creating Templates
  3. Create a Template

Create a Template

The first step to using Education Walkthrough is to Create a Template. 

Templates – also known as walkthroughs or rubrics – are used to streamline the observation process. Templates provide an opportunity for other administrators in your school, district, or state to use a standardized evaluation framework. This can be very important when evaluating the performance of teachers across schools, districts, or the state. 

Education Walkthrough Templates are completely customizable. You can create a template with standard questions – based on the well-known Danielson Framework – or create a template from scratch. Each template has up to 5 domains or sections with a maximum of 20 questions per section. Each question can be fully customized, including the text, options, comments and addition of supplemental photos or a 30-second video.

Let’s go through an example of “Creating a New Template.”

  1. Navigate to the “Templates” page on the far left of the navigation bar
  2. Click “Create New Template”
  3. Enter a Template Name, Template Description, and choose to add Standard Questions or choose to start with a blank template with no questions. It is important to note that even if you decide to add standard questions, you can customize the template and questions later.
  4. Then click “Next,” which will take you to the “Template Editor”

Template Management

“Template Editor” is your control center. Here you have all the options to customize your template.

  • Edit Domains – You can choose to use the default domain labels or customize the domains. You can also use the default options for every question or customize the options. By default each question that you create will have these options, yet you can also customize specific question answers as well. 
  • Edit Individual Questions – You can tap the question you want to change. This will bring you to an “Edit Question” page. On this page, you can edit the question text, select if the question is a multiple choice question and/or a comment, edit the option labels, and add the ability to take photos and/or a 30-second video for that question.
  • Add a Question – To add a question, scroll to the bottom of the page for that domain and click “Add Questions”. This will take you to the “Add Question” page for further customization.
  • Delete a Question – To delete a question, click on the question and scroll to the bottom. Click “Delete question” and confirm that you want to delete the question.
  • Update Template – Once you are done configuring the template, choose “Update” in the top right corner to save the template. You can always come back to the template to edit it in the future. Note that the walkthroughs you complete prior to the edits will be saved with the old template, new walkthroughs will use the new template.

Next Steps

Congrats! You have completed step 1 of Education Walkthrough set up. The next step is to add a teacher or two, then get on with your first observation!

Updated on November 6, 2024
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