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  3. Setting up your Account

Setting up your Account

The setup process is very intuitive and easy to follow for Education Walkthrough.


When you first create an account, you will be prompted to go through a few steps for onboarding. These steps will walk you through how to use the app, from the templates to teachers to reports. It is important to review these steps before jumping into the app.

Adding your Signature

  1. To add your signature, go to Settings –> Signature
  2. Under Signature, you will find a white box that says “New Signature”
  3. Simply draw your signature with your finger
  4. Then click “Save”
  5. Your signature will be saved and be used automatically in each walkthrough. In the Report settings page, you can enable or disable your signature. Also, at anytime, you can create a new signature, just follow the steps above.

Create your first Template

  1. To create your first Template, go to Templates –> “Create New Template”
  2. Enter a Template Name, Template Description, and choose if you want to add standard questions or start with a blank template. (Standard questions are based off of the Danielson Framework and adjusted for Education Walkthrough)
  3. Click “Next”
  4. Now you are in the Template Editor, you can edit each part of the template including the domains, question text, question type, question options, and even add photo/video evidence to each question.
  5. Once you are satisfied, click “Save”
  6. Now you can use your Template during your walkthroughs.

Note: You can always go back and edit the template or even create a new one.

Add your first Teacher

  1. Navigate to the Teachers page
  2. Click Add New Teacher
  3. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. 
  4. Click Save
  5. You will see a pop-up that indicates you have successfully added a teacher and be redirected to your full list of teachers.

Complete your first Walkthrough

  1. Go to the Start page in the middle of the navigation bar to start your first observation.
  2. Choose your Template, Teacher, Department, Grade, and enter the Class Observed.
  3. Once all the items are selected, you can click the “Start” button to start the observation.
Updated on September 3, 2020
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